Welcome to my personal portfolio website! My name is Tom Maurer, and I am an experienced IT network and system administration specialist. With a career spanning since 2017, I have honed my skills and expertise in the dynamic field of IT infrastructure management.
Currently, I am working for a german mid-cap company, where I have gained valuable hands-on experience and a deep understanding of managing complex networks, ensuring smooth system operations, and optimizing server performance. However, I am now looking to expand my horizons and embark on a freelance journey alongside my current role.
In addition to my professional experience, I am also pursuing a bachelor degree in Wirtschaftsinformatik at FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management in Bonn. With my studies coming to a close soon, I am constantly seeking to enhance my knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the IT industry.
As a versatile IT professional, I offer a range of services tailored to meet your business needs. Whether you require assistance with network setup, system administration, server management, or IT consulting, I am well-equipped to deliver efficient and effective solutions. With a keen eye for detail and a strong commitment to excellence, I strive to provide reliable and innovative IT solutions that align with your goals.
Feel free to explore my portfolio and learn more about my previous projects and achievements. If you have any questions or would like to discuss how I can assist you, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you and help you achieve your IT goals.

IT-Network- & Systemadministrator.
Here's some basic information about myself.
- Birthday: 15 February 1998
- Website: www.maurer-tom.de
- Phone: +49 1590 1971699
- City: Langenhahn, Germany
- Age: 25
- Degree: Fachinformatiker Systemintegration
- E-Mail: mail@maurer-tom.de
- Freelance: Available
I am currently able to work <15h per week on freelancing projects.
I am currently still planning to start freelancing. So, except for my current job, there are no other projects to show here.
Happy Clients after completed projects
Projects successfully completed
Hours in past projects
Skills aquired
I was able to acquire some skills with my previous work experience.
Here you can find my résumé. You can also download it as a PDF here.
Tom Maurer
Experienced IT network and system administration specialist with 6+ years of experience and a scientific research background in the field of Data Science.
- Langenhahn, Germany
- +49 1590 1971699
- mail@maurer-tom.de
Bachelor of Science Wirtschaftsinformatik
2020 - Present
FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management, Bonn, Germany
The Bachelor of Science Wirtschaftsinformatik program at FOM Bonn teaches the essential fundamentals of economics and business information systems, deals with supply chain management and controlling concepts, and provides a comprehensive technological know-how about IT architectures and modern operating systems.
Fachinformatiker Systemintegration
2017 - 2020
BBS Montabaur, Montabaur, Germany
The training as an IT specialist for system integration focuses on acquiring comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field of computer systems and network administration. It includes tasks such as installing and configuring hardware and software components, troubleshooting system issues, and designing and implementing IT solutions to meet organizational needs.
2014 - 2017
Evangelisches Gymnasium Bad Marienberg, Bad Marienberg, Germany
I have successfully completed the "Abitur," which is the German high school diploma. This qualification represents a comprehensive and rigorous education in various subjects, including mathematics, sciences, languages, social sciences, and humanities.
Professional Experience
IT Datacenter Service
2017 - Present
Schütz GmbH & Co. KGaA, Selters, Germany
- Administration of data centers and network infrastructure of over 55 locations worldwide
- Projects in the area of monitoring, backup, cloud computing and infrastructure design
- Main responsible employee in the company in the mentioned project areas
- Expertise in network administration, system management, and project execution
Within this portfolio, you will find a collection of my projects, reflecting my dedication to quality and attention to detail. From network setup and system administration endeavors to Data Science projects, I am proud of every venture I have had the privilege of working on so far.
- All
- IT-Systemadministration
- IT-Networkadministration
- Data Science
- Web Developement
As an experienced IT network and system administration specialist and Data scientist, I offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. Drawing from my expertise and passion for technology, I am committed to delivering top-notch solutions that elevate your business to new heights.
My dedication to excellence and a user-centric approach underpin each service I provide. I take the time to understand your unique goals and challenges, allowing me to deliver customized solutions that align perfectly with your vision.
I offer system administration for several systems. Among these are for example Windows and Linux servers, backup software like Veeam, monitoring systems like Paessler PRTG and many more.
I also administer network systems such as firewalls, switches and routers. In addition, I have already gained experience in the NAC.
Data Science
From a purely scientific point of view, I have already dabbled in the field of data science during my studies. Now I would like to gain more experience in the field.
For the above services I offer maintenance, as well as commissioning as a project. In the area of Data Science I like to work out complex data analyses in your business field.
Contact & imprint
If you have any questions or would like to discuss how I can assist you, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I am eagerly anticipating the chance to collaborate with you and contribute to the accomplishment of your IT objectives.
56459 Langenhahn, Germany
+49 1590 1971699
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
Tom Maurer
Brunnenstraße 3
56459 Langenhahn
Telefon: 01590 1971699
E-Mail: mail@maurer-tom.de
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: tbd
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